11:00 AM -
12:00 PM
Wellness & Mental Health Panel
Room 1
CFIs with clinical expertise will discuss the FAA’s ARC report on Mental Health and Aviation Medical Clearances, highlighting its recommendations.
Dr. Vogel is a retired medical oncologist and a CFI, CFI-I, AGI and IGI. He has flown for more than 40 years and serves as a FAASTeam Representative for the Harrisburg, PA FSDO. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) and founder and president of Susquehanna STEM to the Skies, an educational public charity. It utilizes a full-motion advanced aviation training device and STEM aviation camps to introduce high school and technical center youth to aviation as a career opportunity. He has a special interest in the physiological effects of aging on the safety of flight.
CFIs with clinical expertise will discuss the FAA’s ARC report on Mental Health and Aviation Medical Clearances, highlighting its recommendations.