Role Model? Coach? Mentor? Yes, Please! Building a Strong CFI Team
Drawing on 25 years of leadership experience in the software industry, Chief Instructor Rick Miller presents the distinct purposes and strengths of role models, coaches, and mentors.
Moving to the Right Seat: Tips for New CFIs
Congratulations on that CFI certificate! Now the real learning starts! Come learn tips on what it takes to be a successful CFI in and out of the plane.
Operational Discipline – Do You Really Have It?
See how several flight instruction accidents arose from a lack of operational discipline, complacency, or lack of knowledge – putting both the CFI and student in danger.
Useful Load and Lifespan: My Wellness Logbook
In building my aviation career, my health and wellness formed a picture of resignation. I will share the performance indicators which led me to a substantially different life.
The Joy of Teaching
Airline career-oriented low-timers seek to gain experience as quickly as possible. This presentation will remind everyone that there are reasons we are drawn to our demanding profession.
Teaching the Captain Mentality
In this accelerated pilot hiring environment, mentoring is minimized. Let me introduce the concept of captain mentality: effective leadership skills in and out of the cockpit.
Eliminating Accidents in GA
Improving General Aviation safety: is flight training part of the problem or part of the solution?
Sport Pilot / Light-Sport Aircraft 2.0: Where MOSAIC Will Take Us
There are numerous ways for flight schools and CFIs alike to successfully integrate the opportunities that SP / LSA 2.0 may provide into their flight training.
DPE Panel
The participants in this informative session will discuss recent trends related to general aviation certification events.