Topics of Presentations
Topics of Presentations
3 Key Themes
At NAFI Summit 2024, we will be focusing on topics relevant to our CFI community. Our program will provide you with valuable information you can put to use in your aviation career immediately.
Our program will feature presentations that connect safety and professionalism with three themes:
Train the Trainer
Sure, we train pilots. But we also train each other! This theme looks at this important responsibility since the result of training just one instructor is multiplied many times over. Are you teaching something now that you wished you had been taught? Has technology made an impact on how to train a trainer. Then these sessions are for you.
Greg Feith at NAFI Summit 2023, guiding instructors to learn how to prevent accidents.
NAFI President Paul Preidecker and NAFI Chairman and DPE Karen Kalishek with DPE Doug Stewart and DPE Mary Schu, ready to begin the DPE Panel at NAFI Summit 2023.
Mentorship and Peer Support
Many of us can look back over our career and identify that one person who stood out as a mentor. This program features topics such as developing a mentorship program in your flight school, using technology to enhance a mentorship experience, and creating a peer support network.
Pilot Health and
There is more to flying than just developing your flying skills. You need to master the skills to maintain your health and well-being. This theme captures important information from industry workgroups about how we can educate ourselves and others to include well-being in training.
Captain Reyné O’Shaughnessy, promoting mental health & well-being in aviation at NAFI Summit 2023